Florence has been changing. The weather that is. In the time I have not been posting on here, I have been teaching private lessons, teaching sporadically at the school, keeping up with my writing (NileGuide and Charming Italy). I have also been incredibly sick this past week. I am here to post that I really have no real interesting news to share with you all. My life has been a mix of being with my new beau, teaching non-stop and writing when I have a moment to breath. 

I have been very grateful as well these days for this beau of mine. He has gone above and beyond to take care of me since I have been sick. I’ve kept myself in a way where I can truly appreciate each and every second I am with this man. And now we are practically inseparable. I have learned that in the time it takes to get to know someone should be a slow process and when it feels right, it feels right. And that is it. There is no need to pressure one another into discussing the situation (unless it needs discussing). The place I am with this new and amazing man, is a place I have never set foot in. The way I have always wanted to feel with someone I feel with him. The way I have always wanted to be with someone, I am with him. The way it has turned out is incredible and I am enthusiastic to see what is going to happen next with him. 
I am so very lucky and grateful for this life, this man and the feelings I am feeling for him as each day passes.
Going to the doc today to get some strong meds. It is about time.
a presto amici!